Author Guidelines

General Instructions

Articles must be written on A4 (210 x 297 mm) HVS paper. Articles are written without page numbers and arranged in order of topics of discussion: Introduction, Research Methods (or Model Development), Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), Notation List (if any), and Bibliography. Abstract and title are written in Indonesian and English.

Writing Instructions

Authors can also download templates from NCHAT. The article begins with the article title with 16 pt bold font in capital letters at the beginning of the word except for conjunctions. The author's name is written under the title in the Title Case font 11 pt bold format. The author's name is written in full without an academic degree. Apostrophes are written after the author's name in superscript format. The institution's name (institution of origin, address, telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail) is written below the author's name in Garamond letters in Title Case format, 10 pt. If there is more than one author, an e-mail should be written for the correspondent author. The title of the article, the author's name, and the institution's name are written in the middle. The distance between the title and the author's name is two spaces (10 pt), and the distance between the author's name and the name of the institution is one space (10 pt)

The abstract title is written in centered regular letters with 10 pt bold format. The distance between the abstract title and the institution's name is two spaces (10 pt). The distance between the abstract text and the abstract title is one space (10 pt). The abstract is written in italic (Italic) with 150-200 words, with a left margin of 35 mm and a right margin of 30 mm. Abstract is written in a one-column format. Keywords are written below the abstract text, arranged in alphabetical order, and separated by semicolons. The title of the keyword is written in a regular format with a 10 pt bold font while the keyword is written in italics.

Abstract written in English and Indonesian. If the article is in Indonesian, the English abstract should be written with the title in English. If the article is in English, the Indonesian abstract should be written with the title in Indonesian. The title in the abstract is written before the abstract in UPPER CASE Bold format.

The article's contents are written in the format of a left margin of 25 mm, a right margin of 20 mm, a bottom margin of 20 mm, and a top margin of 30 mm. The distance of the header to the edge of the paper is 20 mm, and the distance of the footer to the edge of the paper (edge) is 13 mm. Articles are typed in MS Word with Garamond typeface with 12 pt font, two spaces, and one column format. Each article consists of a maximum of 20 pages (including figures and tables) and is written justified. The paragraphs start on the left edge of the line with a new paragraph spacing of 12 pt (the beginning of the paragraph is not indented).

Subtitles are written in bold with UPPER CASE format and arranged left-aligned without numbers and underscores. Subtitles are written in bold with Title Case format and arranged left-aligned without numbers and underscores. The subtitles are written in bold with Sentence case format and arranged left-aligned without numbers and underscores.

Figures and Tables are placed in text groups and are captioned. Figures and tables are followed by the figure's title, which is placed below the figure in question, and the table's title, which is placed above the table in question. Figure titles and table titles are numbered sequentially. Images are guaranteed to be printed bright even if they are reduced to 50%. Pictures or diagrams/schematics should be placed between groups of text. The image is not framed. For color images or graphics, please send 300 sheets if preferring to print in color. The table is displayed without vertical lines, while the horizontal lines only show three main horizontal lines, namely two horizontal lines for column heading items and a closing line from the bottom row.

Equations are centered and numbered in brackets. The number is placed at the end of the right margin of the column.

The Notation List is written in alphabetical order. Latin letter notation is written first, followed by Arabic letters.

The system for writing quotations/excerpts of a manuscript or literature uses the Harvard system. The source of the literature written in the description only consists of the author's name and the year of publication. Example: There have been many attempts to find better heat storage systems, including using the latent heat of smelting from PCM (Yanadoro and Matsuda, 2006 for one or two authors; Sutrisno et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2011 for one or two authors). More than two authors). According to Sanyono (2010), ……… etc.


The bibliography is arranged alphabetically without numbering and the distance between the bibliography is 1 space (10 pt). The writing rules used are as follows:

Sources in the form of magazines/scientific journals/proceedings:

Sumin, L., Youguang, M.A., Chunying, Z., Shuhua, S., and Qing, H.E., (2009), The Effect of Hydrophobic Modification of Zeolites on CO2 Absorption Enhancement, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(1), pp. 36-41.

  • Book sources :

Fogler, H.S., (2006), Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4th, Prentice Hall International, Upper Sadle River, New Jersey,  pp. 47-93

  •  Thesis/Dissertation:

Djaeni, M., (2008), Energy Efficient Multistage Zeolite Drying for Heat Sensitive Products, Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

  •  Patent :

van Reis, R.D., (2006), Charged Filtration Membranes and Uses Therefore US Patent 7,001,550. 

  •  Handbook :

Knothe, G., van Gerpen, J., and Krahl, J., (2005), The Biodiesel Hanbook, AOCS Press, Campaign, Illionis, USA, pp. 70-84

Mujumdar, A.S. and Hasan, M., (2006), Drying of Polymers in Handbook of Industrial Drying, editor A.S. Mujumdar, 3rd ed, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 954-978.


Article Process

Articles are submitted/registered online by accessing the website of the Reactor at the following address; Each author must have a user name and keyword /Password to be able to register his article. Data in the Metadata section must be filled in completely with the data of all authors. Each article registering can be completed with a Statement Letter stating that the article is free from conflict and plagiarism.

Each article will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and/or Bebestari Partners. Correspondence will be addressed to the first author. The author must immediately improve the article according to the reviewer's instructions. If the article has been declared accepted by both Major Revision and Minor Revision, then the author must immediately correct the article that has gone through the review process.

Editors have the right to reject submitted articles if they are not relevant to the scope of the NCHAT journal, are not up to date or have been published in other scientific magazines.